The 16th episode of the SIMM-podcast presents the 5th edition of the Compendium of Music as a Global Resource, which you can read online here.  SIMM-director Lukas Pairon interviews the 2 co-editors Barbara Hesser and Brydie-Leigh Bartleet.

Barbara Hesser has been editor of all 5 editions of the Compendium.  She is professor at and head of the Steinhardt New York University music therapy training programme. She has also been president of the American Music Therapy Association.

Brydie-Leigh Bartleet is president of SIMM and head of the Creative Arts Research Insititute of Griffith University, which is on 20-22 November 2023 organising the 8th SIMM-posium in Brisbane, Australia.

Referenced during this podcast-episode: International Music CouncilMusicasaglobalresource.orgMusicians without borders,  UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)